So, this weekend was good. Sunday we found a new spot. My brother Brent and his girlfriend Tamara let Jr and I in on their favorite spot. They wanted to do a little fishing and I wanted to do a little
Tecate and lime drinking in the sun. So, we were all happy.

It was a good time. Jr caught the only two fish and this was the first one. It was pretty funny. Isn't it cute? Well, we let those go of course but it was a good time anyway.

We stayed and cooked burgers as it got dark. None of us thought to bring a light, though. So this candle that someone left behind was our only light. So smart.
Tecate IS good! :) That was a funny post, Miss Kristen. :) Good pics. YOU SHOULD DO IT MORE. Hee, hee. Couldn't resist!
kristen you MUST be joking! natasha is bananas in the head! :) i'm having a tough time with the fact that after tonight there will be no more ANTM until september. i may end up crying myself to sleep...
Beer! Yummmm!
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