Monday, April 28, 2008

So Andrew and I decided to read the Harry Potter books together. I had never actually read the first one. I have read all the others though. We decided that I would read one page and he would read the next and so on. Yesterday we finished the first book. I'm not sure how long that took us but it was awhile. We mostly just read every night before bed. I just love those books. He is getting so much better at reading them. The first few chapters were a little painful. He was reading but not listening to himself and he mumble through words he didn't know. Now he actually follows the story when he reads. He yells the all caps words. He has even started to change his voice a little for different characters. I love it. The more reading the better. We started the second book last night. That movie has always freaked him out. He even suggested we skip that book. I told him he may like it better when he reads it and that he was really young the first time he saw the movie. I am going to keep track of how long it takes us to read this one. Yay, it's a good one, nice and creepy!


Meg said...

Yea! What a little genius you have on your hands! I think that's incredible! Too bad I'll never have him as a teacher... :-(

katandkarl said...

awesome! i love HP and i bet he will like the SCARY book after you guys finish it!

Elizabeth Spann said...

Oh that's so great! I love it that he's reading them. It was so cute seeing him with his little flashlight when you guys had no power. What a sweetie.

Leah Billings said...

How totally cute that he does the voices. What fun!

Chandle said...

that is so great. I always thing about how Andrew used to say "potter" in the accent. From all my "i'm going to be a teacher research" the one thing the reiterate over and over is that you need to read to your kids. Sounds like you're really getting him to love reading!

Kelz World said...

Hey woman just wanted to let you know i found your blog and now i have one, go check it out not much for now but im sure it will come along. and your family is beautiful!!!