Tuesday, March 14, 2006

This weekend was pretty lazy. Friday night JR and I went to Cajun's Wharf for a drink. Saturday night Leah and Kat joined me at the Rose. Sunday JR and I bought a wooden chest for our blanket storage/coffee table. Then at 5:45 Monday morning JR woke me up. He had horrible pain in his lower back on the left side. I rushed him to the emergency room. It turns out he had a kidney stone. They gave him a prescription for the pain and we went home to wait. Yesterday was pretty exhausting and seemed as if it would never end. He wanted me to be sure and tell everyone thank you for their concern and phone calls. He is better today, although pretty sore. We are still waiting for the stone but the worst has passed. I'll let you know if there are any changes.


A&R said...

Stones! I hate stones! I have had 2. I feel for him.

Elizabeth Spann said...

Poor JR. Tell him I love him. :) I love YOU too! Sorry you had drama. It's no fun. Hope he feels better soon.

Unknown said...

sorry to hear about jr. trevor's got stones in his family, and he's currently got one "on the move". i've got a recipe for a concoction that i make for trevor to drink (pineapple juice, epsom salts, etc.). the one stone he's passed was HUGE, but he didn't feel it at all when it passed, and we're hoping that can be attributed to the drink. let me know if you want the recipe...

the gloria family said...

sure, brooke. i think he'll try anything not to have to feel that pain again.

Leah Billings said... drama is never fun. I'm glad he's on the recovery.

Anonymous said...

I've been told kidney stones are worse than child birth (from a woman who's gone through both). Glad he's better!

Elizabeth Spann said...

But don't tell JR that. Then you can lord it over him when you have babies. :)