Friday, December 15, 2006

We went to Andrew's Christmas program last night. It was so cute! The lighting sucked, though. So, none of the pictures came out. I am checking with Susan to see if she got any. We sort of figured out how to take video with the camera. There are a bunch of them. I uploaded this one on youtube. In true parent video fashion, it is kind of shaky and there are random heads and arms of other parents. Oh well, he is the one in the dark outfit on the end. The one not doing the hand motions or singing. He was just adorable. Oh here is one picture that was fuzzy. I had to put it on there because even though it looks like he is singing he isn't. This is the part of the program when he started yawning. Too funny!


Elizabeth Spann said...

Way to youtube, Kristen! Up in the top left corner (the kid who's real into it) is a teacher's kid. Hee hee. I love it. Way to go, Andrew!
PS, that's my favorite song. "Eee awwww- eeeee awww! And Joseph did stumble (fall), and Mary did sigh (ahhhhhhhh....)."

katandkarl said...

hhhHAHAHA. I like the ones where he yawns and puts his hands behind his head.