Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Well, I have some news. I wasn't going to say anything until I started. I didn't want to jinx it. I am going back to school and I am going to get my nursing degree. Wow that feels strange to say. The reason I am breaking my rule and telling you now is because it is going to take longer than I thought to start. Why? Well, I just found out I have to re-take my ACT since it has been so frickin long since the first time. Ugh. I hated that thing. So much much riding on one little test. I think I'll study this time. Who knows, maybe I'll even get a better score this time, if I can remember Algebra. Geez, I hate Algebra.


Leah Billings said...

That is SO exciting! My younger sister Katie just started nursing school as UAMS this summer and she likes it alot. She's already doing clinical training. Healthcare is a great profession to be involved in I'm learning. Yay for you!

Elizabeth Spann said...

Congrats, Kristen! I think it's a terrific decision! You'll be fantastic. :)

Chandle said...

Yeah, good for you. Nurses make lots of money and help people. I'm sorry you have to take the ACT again. You'll do great though.

Unknown said...

man, algebra...i always did the worst on the math sections of standardized tests. Oh well, you'll do great on it and probably get something like a 32 =)