So, I am trying to quit smoking. After I almost died at Petit Jean, I realized maybe it was time. I have gradually had one less a day since Wednesday. Today will be my first day without one. I bought a lot of gum. That has been helping so far. Saturday night we went to the Rose for some beers and I only had one. I was very proud of myself. Jr isn't ready to quit yet. That is going to make it difficult but I am going to try anyway. Wish me luck.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Posted by the gloria family at 7:33 AM 5 comments
Friday, January 27, 2006
Well, not much to say today. I am so glad it is Friday. It has been a long stressful week. So, just because I haven't yet, here is a picture of our dog Tyson. Isn't he cute?
Posted by the gloria family at 8:43 AM 6 comments
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Well, I guess the warm weather got to us. Our bodies must have thought it was Spring. Last night we spent three and a half hours power cleaning our apartment. Geez, we have a lot of crap stuffed into that little apartment. We are not finished either. We still have the electronics corner to take care of and my/Andrew's closet to organize. I hate cleaning but man it feels good when everything has a place and everything smells like bleach. Don't you agree?
Posted by the gloria family at 8:40 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Last night Jr and I went to Bruno's for a birthday dinner. It was very yummy. We were the only ones in the smoking section. It felt very much like Lady and the Tramp. It was a nice relaxing, although expensive dinner. I think you have to splurge every once in a while, though. Don't you? What's your favorite Italian dish?
Posted by the gloria family at 8:09 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Posted by the gloria family at 8:58 AM 4 comments
I finally have pictures of last weekend at Petit Jean State Park. I thought I would start with the picture of the fireplace in our cabin.
Posted by the gloria family at 8:51 AM 0 comments
We decided we would try the Cedar Falls Trail. It was two miles. The beginning of the trail involves these rock steps that go straight down the side of the mountain. Then you get to the nice and easy stroll. Here is a picture. The way back of course involved going up the mountain. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of that. It was probably because I was busy trying not to die.
Posted by the gloria family at 8:45 AM 3 comments
Ok, after a long hike we finally reached the infamous falls. On the left is the picture from the website. Below is the picture I took. Can you make out the water? It was hilarious.
Posted by the gloria family at 8:37 AM 3 comments
Once we got to the falls we laid out a blanket and had a picnic. We were surrounded on three sides by these massive rock walls. It is hard to describe. Here are a couple pictures. It was pretty cool.
Posted by the gloria family at 8:29 AM 0 comments
Posted by the gloria family at 8:08 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 23, 2006
Happy 25th B-Day, Elizabeth! We are getting soooo old. I don't have any pictures of us to put on here. I am new to blogging and digital cameras. I have tons of pictures at home but no scanner. I just want to say that it has been awesome having joint birthday parties with you for around twenty years. Geez, can you believe that? Love you lots. Best Friends Forever!
I also brought the wrong cord thingy to download this weekend's pictures. Man I suck. I will post Petit Jean pictures tomorrow.
Posted by the gloria family at 8:13 AM 3 comments
Friday, January 20, 2006
Well it is Friday. I though this week would never end. My boss is letting me leave early today for our Petit Jean vacation. Come on 3:00. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Sorry I don't have more to say. I should have lots of pictures on Monday. See you then.
Posted by the gloria family at 8:35 AM 2 comments
Thursday, January 19, 2006
So, my birthday is January 23rd and Jr's birthday is on January 24th. This year we decided to get away and relax for our birthdays. So, we have rented a cabin for the weekend at Petit Jean State Park. There is not much to do up there but that is kind of the point. It is going to be so nice to not have to go anywhere or do anything, but not just sit on the couch in front of the tv. Friday needs to get here quick.
Posted by the gloria family at 7:51 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Ok, so this is my new favorite show. It is called Love Monkey. I laughed. I cried. I cheered. It is Tuesdays at 9:00 p.m. CST. So, it doesn't interfere with those American Idol watchers. Does it? Everyone should be watching this show. Did anyone else see it?
Posted by the gloria family at 7:02 AM 8 comments
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
So, I don't really have anything to talk about today. I did promise more pictures of Andrew. Here is one of my favorites. It is at my Dad's house during the holidays. Isn't he adorable?
Posted by the gloria family at 9:03 AM 3 comments
Monday, January 16, 2006
Well, not much to say today. It is Monday again. I keep hoping the week will decide to skip Monday, but it never does. It makes it harder because it was a pretty uneventful weekend. We had Andrew Friday night and Saturday. Saturday night Karl, Kat, Eric, and I went up the The Faded Rose where my husband was bartending. That's always fun. Sunday night I went with Elizabeth to be the first leg of Lutheran High Amazing Race. They were having a lock-in and the Youth Director set up a smaller version of the show. The first leg involved buying ten people ten sodas of their choice. They only had five dollars. We parked nearby and watched all of these kids running around buying cokes from the vending machines and giving them to people. It was hilarious. I wish I would have had a camera for that. My job was to stand next to Elizabeth and say "Welcome to Wal-Mart!" Ok that was pretty fun too. I guess my weekend wasn't that boring. By the way, sorry there are no pictures. I'll try to have some next time.
Posted by the gloria family at 10:04 AM 6 comments
Friday, January 13, 2006
So we had Andrew (JR's son) last night. We watched Follow That Bird. Does anyone else remember this movie? I loved it when I was a kid. Usually Andrew can't sit through the movies I watched over and over as a child. He loves this one though. He sings the songs as loud as he can. It is so cute. By the way he is four. This isn't a very good picture of him, but don't worry there will be plenty more.
Posted by the gloria family at 8:26 AM 8 comments
I can't believe I forgot this picture. It is JR's favorite. Isn't it awesome. It is such a perfect postcard picture.
Posted by the gloria family at 7:22 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 12, 2006
I'm finally doing it. Kat and Elizabeth have been bugging me forever to get a blog. I got a new digital camera and pictures from vacation. So, I have no excuses left. I am starting my blog with pictures from our recent vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. There are a lot of pictures, so just bear with me.
Posted by the gloria family at 8:36 AM 8 comments
This is the plane that took us from Little Rock to Houston. It is also the plane that decided it had to much luggage on it. The Little Rock people decided to leave off all of our bags and divide them up among the next few planes going to Houston. Isn't that fun. We got all our bags eventually but I'll never forget how difficult it is to shop for underwear in Mexico.
Posted by the gloria family at 8:32 AM 0 comments
These are pictures from our hotel. The one on the left is the pool and the one above that is the view from our balcony.
Posted by the gloria family at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Here are just some pictures we took around town. On the left is a glass blowing factory. They had beautiful stained glass windows. The one above that is this cool shopping center that was set down in the ground.
This group photo from left to right is Jr (my hubby), Me, Christina (Jr's mom), and Gary (Jr's stepdad).
Posted by the gloria family at 8:14 AM 1 comments
This is the fancy restaurant we went to. We were a little wary of eating steak in Mexico, but we did it anyway. It was the best steak I've ever had. I thought the sign was funny. Notice the blood dripping out of the bull.
Posted by the gloria family at 7:58 AM 2 comments
While we were there we went deep sea fishing. There were two trips. I only went on one. Here are a few pictures from both. It was so much fun. I was worried about getting sea sick but there was to much action the whole time. I didn't have time to think about it. I caught a 5 lb tuna. We didn't get a picture of it. I guess the first mate thought it was too small for a picture. I turned to says something and he already had it cut up and in a bag. Oh well.
These are some of the folks that went with us. The group picture from left to right is Carl (Gary's sister), Ralph (Carla's husband), Alyssa (their daughter), Peggy and Tommy (friends of Gary and Carla), Gary (Jr's stepdad), and Jr (my hubby).
The pelicans were crazy in cabo. They knew that there would be bait fish left over when the ships came in. So, the would land on the back of the boat and wait for you to feed them. They would get pretty aggressive.
So these are the fish Jr caught. He got a Dorado which is Mahi Mahi and a Blue Marlin. The Blue Marlin took him 42 minutes to reel in. They weren't supposed to be in season. So, it was very exciting.
Posted by the gloria family at 7:23 AM 8 comments