Monday, January 16, 2006

Well, not much to say today. It is Monday again. I keep hoping the week will decide to skip Monday, but it never does. It makes it harder because it was a pretty uneventful weekend. We had Andrew Friday night and Saturday. Saturday night Karl, Kat, Eric, and I went up the The Faded Rose where my husband was bartending. That's always fun. Sunday night I went with Elizabeth to be the first leg of Lutheran High Amazing Race. They were having a lock-in and the Youth Director set up a smaller version of the show. The first leg involved buying ten people ten sodas of their choice. They only had five dollars. We parked nearby and watched all of these kids running around buying cokes from the vending machines and giving them to people. It was hilarious. I wish I would have had a camera for that. My job was to stand next to Elizabeth and say "Welcome to Wal-Mart!" Ok that was pretty fun too. I guess my weekend wasn't that boring. By the way, sorry there are no pictures. I'll try to have some next time.


Elizabeth Spann said...

Whoo hoo! It was fun! :)

katandkarl said...

saturday night was fun!

um. yea. we are all lame sauce today. i need to update. later.

Leah Billings said...

Speaking of the Rose, my brother and I saw JR there the other day when we stopped in for lunch. We didn't get to talk to him though because he had four busy tables, but the food was good as usual.

the gloria family said...

yeah, jr mentioned that he saw you. i never heard if he got to say hi or not. they can get pretty busy up there.

Chandle said...

I didn't know you had a blog! I love it. I'm posting your link

Anonymous said...

All my years in Little Rock and I Never ate at the Faded Rose. I have never even been to the place. Sad huh? I always wanted to but never did. Next time I am in town I will go.