Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Ok, so last night I went to career night at the Baptist Health School of Nursing. I am in the market for a new career and thought I would check this out. It sounds pretty cool. It sounds like something I would like to try. The only problem is that there is no way to go to this two year school and continue working at my job. They have no night courses. I don't know what to do. What do you guys think?


Leah Billings said...

My mom's a nurse and she finds it very rewarding, but she does mention that it's a very demanding job. I say go with your gut. Bottom line, it will tell you whether or not this is right for you. And, hey, if you do do it, we can study together cause I know some of our classes will be similar (once I'm in pharmacy school).

Elizabeth Spann said...

I'm with Leah. You have to do what's best for you. Absolutely. Are there any other programs that might have night classes so you can keep earning moolah till you're done? Another school or somethin'?

the gloria family said...

uca has a nursing school. i'd have to go through the full four years there.

Leah Billings said...

WARNING: Commuting from LR to Conway and back SUCKS!!!! I did it for four months when I first started at Stephens.

Susan said...

There are always nursing jobs open! You'll pretty much be garaunteed a job after graduating! That's incentive. Commuting from Conway does suck indeed! Some schools offer a work-study program. See if Baptist has something similar so you can still earn some $, though it probably won't be what you're used to.